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Leaving Language 
The Catalogue

Waugh Office

Leaving Language - Anti- cool
Tatsumi Orimoto - Red Shoes
Tamaki Kawaguchi - Painting Day By Day In The Anthropocene




​Sachiko Abe, Noe Aoki, Anti-cool, Tamaki Kawaguchi, Midori Mitamura, ​

Hiromi Nakajima, Tatsumi Orimoto, Mio Shirai & Kirico Tanikawa.


Leaving Language

The Catalogue

Waugh Office Publication 2018




The catalogue published after Leaving Language, the exhibition that featured 9 artists, all born in Japan and all traveled to Folkestone to show works inspired by place, time and distance.








































"The coded systems of communication are an infectious grammè that allow an articulation of thoughts while simultaneously becoming them. How then are national aesthetics translated in the era of global technological platforms? Artworks are the material engines of a desire to transform words via an intensity of other signs.


"There are ghosts in the language of a highway and nothing crosses the borders of a text without an inheritance or debt. Every gift carries an obligation, there were nine Artists in the curator's limousine and each told her a story. The passengers rode into the sequence of dislocation that occurs when transportation evaporates and becomes a cloud: a storage system for data.


Nothing is communicated outside the language; this is true whatever system we use. As the night sky fills with stars and we come like​ the MilkyWay over a velvet Heaven, our days are calculated through a finitude of dreams before we make the final journey."



Tamaki Kawaguchi.

Tatsumi Orimoto.

Midori Mitamura - Art & Breakfast

Midori Mitamura.

Mio Shirai -


Mio Sarai.

Waugh Office was established in 2011 by Julia Waugh and Mark Waugh,

 as a hybrid platform curating exhibitions, events and publications internationally



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