Waugh Office was established in 2011 by Julia and Mark Waugh.
A hybrid platform. working with curators, writers, theorists and artists to smudge
cultural differences and attitudes across physical and national borders.
. Pushing the programme, exploring the traffic in ideas that are nomadic,
with a focus on perceptions rather than stereotypes and assumptions.
We come to play, escape prejudice and shout for renegade
values of the unfixable, broken and unhomely.
© Waugh Office 2025
The Astrologer who
fell into a well
Melanie King, Eric Lesdema, Sheena Rose, Semiconductor, Jane & Louise Wilson.
The Astrologer Who Fell Into A Well
Contemporary Art And Spirits (CAS)
1 Chome-2-25 Suwa
Joto Ward
Osaka 536-0021,
An exhibition curated by Julia Waugh and organised by Tamaki Kawaguchi featuring the work of 5 British based artists and 1 Periscope broadcast from Barbados.
ともに人間の想像力をかき立てるものでありながら、それぞれ目指すところを異にするとされるアートと科学。本展は、両者の間での対話を試み、現代人にとっての宇宙空間(outer space)について思考を深めながら、アート表現の新たな可能性を探るものである。展覧会タイトルは、星を眺める行為を語るイソップ物語からの引用。星に魅入られて井戸に落ちた占星術師のアナロジーを引き受けつつ、さまざまなメディアによって疑似的な宇宙体験が身近になったいま、逆にそのことでおおい隠されているものはなにかを問う展示となる。本展は、Waugh Office(英国を拠点とするアートエージェンシー)所属の英国人キュレーター、ジュリア・ウォーがセレクトしたアーティスト(メラニー・キング、エリック・ラスディマ、シーナ・ローズ、セミコンダクター、ジェーン & ルイーズ・ウィルソン)による映像、インスタレーション、写真作品などにより構成される。
The title taken was from an Aesop Fable, a morality tale for star gazers who ignore hazards on the terrestrial path. Written many centuries ago it revealed the emerging trend to dismiss the sky as a place of speculation, myth and mystery, but a time for sleep in preparation for the day's work,
Our exhibition questioned why stories and images of the cosmos are mostly located before and noticeably in the mid 20th century cinema. This waning interest in the night sky, has an obvious equation with economics and the increased levels of light pollution. Of course there has always been a vulnerability in public places especially without light, now, interest in night sky seems far too romantic and reserved for the parameters of STEM research.
Astrologers viewed the heavens as a code to unlock the myopia of our world. Through these astral calendars patterns formed in darkness, revealed a direct influence on our lives, this was a topography as full and relevant as those here on Earth.
Today, the gravitational force of planetary transits is a minor concern to the predilections of the everyday and the “out of this world” is most often located in metaphors of excess.. Historically, Europe with revolutions both industrial and cultural of the 18th and 19th century shifted renaissance and baroque skies into theatrical backdrops predicting turbulence of the 20th.
It was post world war televisual world that developed the Sci Fi genre, merging representations of the heavenly with an augmented contemporary. This created a new cosmic sublimity, reframed in movies such as, 2001: A Space Odyssey, these adventures often concluded in transcendant narratives. It seems these filmic protagonists are always on journeys with spiritual overtones, exaggerated in hyper colour that emphasises some omnipotence of experience?
Modernity has assured those heavenly departure gates are permanently closed and for the first time, we collectively have lost every ideal of paradise either terrestrial or unearthly. That "there is nothing more than this", is perhaps, a soporific acknowledgment as anxieties for our futures increase a need for technology. The click through continuum softens and excludes sensorial perception in solitary stimuli of online imaging and streaming sounds. .
Yet despite this the sky can still conjures wonder, even when dimmed with the orange glow of a city, plane lights blink at the crescent moon and we know that satellites deliver data faster than portents of comets, but even with these additions, being outside on a cloudless night can inspire some surprising thoughts.
We can venture virtually to create the virtuous with mimetic heavens when we wish on synthetic stars.
"This astrologer in the well, resembles all of his false art, who while they are in danger, dream, that in the stars,
they read the happiest theme.” - Aesop

Clockwise: Jane & Louise Wilson, Sheena Rose, Semiconductor, Eric Lesdema.
Melanie King
An artist whose principal subject is photography with a focus on the cultural connection between materials and phenomena existing beyond Earth’s atmosphere; “Astronomy Ecology" is the subject of her PhD research at The RCA in London . A director of Lumen Studios and Super Collider, organisations that host exhibitions and residencies exploring optics, science and creativity .
Three photographs from the series “Ancient Light” were included in "The Astrologer Who Fell Into A Well" at CAS in Osaka..
Melanie King was also a participant in a public discussion on the concepts and issues raised in by the work.
Melanie King メラニー・キング人間および物質と地球環境を超えたところにある現象を結び付けて表現する写真家。ロイヤル・カレッジ・オブ・アートの博士課程で、「Astronomy Ecology」の研究に取り組む。Lumenおよびsuper/colliderといったアートコレクティブのディレクターとして展覧会を行い、テート・モダンで行われる「Tate Exchange」やThe Photographers' Galleryの運営にたずさわる。今回は「Ancient Light」シリーズからの出展となる。
Eric Lesdema
An artist whose works includes performance, installation and photography, currently investigating “Isotechnography” as the subject of a PhD research with Roy Ascot’s “Planetary Collegium”. He was awarded the UN Nikon World Prize For Photography in 1997 and continues to collaborate on projects with galleries and museums. The sculpture “Drowning The Moon” was installed and on view at CAS in Osaka.
Eric Lesdema participated in a public discussion on the concepts and issues raised in his work for “The Astrologer Who Fell Into A Well”.
Eric Lesdema エリック・ラスディマUN Nikon World Photography Prizeを1997年に受賞し、精力的に制作発表を続けてきた写真家。近年は、ロイ・アスコットが設立したPlanetary Collegiumと共同で「Isotechnography」をテーマに博士研究に取り組む。本展ではその研究成果、および彼の写真集「Drowning The Moon」より展示を行う。
Sheena Rose
An artist who navigates intimacy through portraiture and it's transformation within modalities of communication. Previously a Fulbright Scholar whose current media ascent can be measured with features in The New York Times and Vogue.
The premier of “The Astronaut” was live streamed via Periscope from Bridgetown in Barbados at The Manpuku-ji Temple Osaka.
Sheena Rose シーナ・ローズペインターおよびパフォーマーとして、彼女自身のパーソナルな枠組みを、コミュニケーションにおける経験やその変容において探求する。フルブライト奨学金を受けて制作しており、ニューヨークタイムズや、ヴォーグの記事に紹介された。本展では「The Astronaut」と題するパフォーマンスを米国から行い、ペリスコープにより映像を発信する。
Artistic duo Ruth Jarman & Joe Gerhardt make artworks which explore the material nature of our world and how we experience it through the lens of science. After a celebrated show at Art Basel they participated in The 2018 Sydney Biennial.
Semiconductor screened “Black Rain” and “Brilliant Noise" for The Astrologer Who Fell Into A Well.
Semiconductor セミコンダクターセミコンダクターは、ジャーマン & ジョー・ゲルハルトによるアートユニット。世界に存在する物質の性質や、それらを科学技術というレンズを通していかに経験するかを探求する作品を制作する。本年はアート・バーゼルに出展後、シドニー・ビエンナーレに参加。「Black Rain」「Brilliant Noise」の2作品を上映する。
Jane & Louise Wilson
Two artists whose film and photography illustrate the politics inherent in architecture and implications of technologies to our understanding of realities. They were nominated for the Turner Prize in 1999 and have exhibited internationally during a 30 year career.
A screening of the art work “Dream Time” was included in "The Astrologer Who Fell Into A Well” at CAS in Osaka.
Jane & Louise Wilson ジェーン & ルイーズ・ウィルソン空間およびテクノロジーの探求を通して表現するアートユニット。1999年にターナー賞にノミネートされ、25年にわたり国際的に活動を続ける。本展では映像作品「Dream Time」を上映予定。
Julia Waugh
Julia Waugh ジュリア・ウォー(企画)われわれが身体的に理解している空間や、外界とのかかわりといった自明なことに疑問を投げかける写真家でありペインター。現在は、Waugh Officeのディレクターとして美術館やギャラリーでの展覧会を企画し、国際的に活躍する。
Tamaki Kawaguchi

Waugh Office was established in 2011 by Julia Waugh and Mark Waugh,
as a hybrid platform curating exhibitions, events and publications internationally
© Waugh Office 2025.