​Waugh Office was established in 2011 by Julia and Mark Waugh.
A hybrid platform. working with curators, writers, theorists and artists to smudge
cultural differences and attitudes across physical and national borders.
. Pushing the programme, exploring the traffic in ideas that are nomadic,
with a focus on perceptions rather than stereotypes and assumptions.
We come to play, escape prejudice and shout for renegade
values of the unfixable, broken and unhomely.
© Waugh Office 2025
Sachiko Abe
Cut papers
Sachiko Abe
Cut Papers
Centre Pompidou-Metz
1 Parvis Des
Droits de l'Homme
57020 Metz
Programme du Centre Pompidou-Metz – Février 2013
Sachiko Abe performed Cut Papers in front of an exhibition of drawings by the artist at The Studio Space at Metz Pompidou Centre.
The artist's more recent works continue to explore disquieting routines that provoke anxiety and touch us in ways we cannot explain. Cut Papers is a series of works that created a surplus of meaning within an apparently simple aesthetic economy. In Cut Papers Abe invited the audience to experience an intimate space in which the constant snipping of scissor blades was the only measure of time passing.
‘Be warned,’ Abe says, ‘my work is neither beautiful nor meditational’. Rather, it’s an aesthetic paradox that locates the artist at the centre of a field of reciprocal subjectivity: as an object of the gaze that returns to the subject, activating a feedback loop. It is this scenic space of perception and production that is the focus of the work.
The Large Drawing.was exhibited at Metz Pompidou centre as part of the performance Cut Papers.
Sachiko Abe's durational work is created in private with pen on watercolour paper, finished in 2020, this art work took approximately ten years to complete.
"Environnée de blancheur, Sachiko Abe découpe inlassablement et méthodiquement de fines bandes de papier. Le temps s’écoule et se matérialise peu à peu par l’accumulation des rubans nés du mouvement des ciseaux. Une scène magique et intime que nul bruit ne vient troubler, excepté celui des lames sur la feuille." - Pompidou Metz
Waugh Office was established in 2011 by Julia Waugh and Mark Waugh,
as a hybrid platform curating exhibitions, events and publications internationally
© Waugh Office 2024.