Waugh Office was established in 2011 by Julia and Mark Waugh.
A hybrid platform. working with curators, writers, theorists and artists to smudge
cultural differences and attitudes across physical and national borders.
. Pushing the programme, exploring the traffic in ideas that are nomadic,
with a focus on perceptions rather than stereotypes and assumptions.
We come to play, escape prejudice and shout for renegade
values of the unfixable, broken and unhomely.
© Waugh Office 2025
Leaving Language

Sachiko Abe, Noe Aoki, Anti cool, Tamaki Kawaguchi, Midori Mitamura,
Hiromi Nakajima, Tatsumi Orimoto, Mio Shirai & Kirico Tanikawa.
Leaving Language
Metropole Gallery
Folkestone Triennial Collateral
Leaving Language was a satellite exhibition for the Folkestone Triennial, curated by Julia Waugh it took place at The Metropole,
This ambitious project commissioned two new artworks; Echo Tides a film portrait by Anti-cool and Noe Aoki's large iron sculpture, Iteration.
Tatsumi Orimoto's Grandmothers Lunch was part of a series of events that accompanied the exhibition, including a Mercedes Limousin that hosted several interviews
" いくつかの言語を使ってあなたに話しかけよう。キーボードをタイプしながら。変換器を通して二人の存在は確かなものになるだろうか。お互いの不満は表に出さず、会話には快活さを与える。この根拠のない陽気さを利用して ... 時折あなたの言語を使ってあなたを理解しようと試みる。同じ発音、同じ文システムに従っているつもりでも必ずエラーは起きるもので、私はただある種の親密さとじゃれ合っているだけなのかも知れない.."
"Mixing up several languages to talk to you by only typing, our entities are enclosed through transformers. Grimacing without sounds a friskiness bounced, can a light headedness be evacuated from the responsibility of words .”
Short Notes - Hiromi Nakajima
In that stretched limousine of words, through the tinted windows you might have heard screaming. “What is the story of theseJapanese Artists who were invited to an ambiguous island called Albion?” As children we like to play with many things, family, friends animals, houses and modes of mobility such as toy cars. Then we learn to leave our games of infancy and find ourselves attending to the world and it's many mysteries through writing and speach.
"The coded systems of communication are an infectious grammè that allow an articulation of thoughts while simultaneously becoming them. How then are national aesthetics translated in the era of global technological platforms? Artworks are the material engines of a desire to transform words via an intensity of other signs.
"There are ghosts in the language of a highway and nothing crosses the borders of a text without an inheritance or debt. Every gift carries an obligation, there were nine Artists in the curator's limousine and each told her a story. The passengers rode into the sequence of dislocation that occurs when transportation evaporates and becomes a cloud: a storage system for data.
Nothing is communicated outside the language; this is true whatever system we use. As the night sky fills with stars and we come like the MilkyWay over a velvet Heaven, our days are calculated through a finitude of dreams before we make the final journey."

Sachiko Abe
Tamaki Tawaguchi

Noe Aoki

Midori Mitamura
Waugh Office was established in 2011 by Julia Waugh and Mark Waugh,
as a hybrid platform curating exhibitions, events and publications internationally
© Waugh Office 2025.