Waugh Office was established in 2011 by Julia and Mark Waugh.
A hybrid platform. working with curators, writers, theorists and artists to smudge
cultural differences and attitudes across physical and national borders.
. Pushing the programme, exploring the traffic in ideas that are nomadic,
with a focus on perceptions rather than stereotypes and assumptions.
We come to play, escape prejudice and shout for renegade
values of the unfixable, broken and unhomely.
© Waugh Office 2025
「今日のフェミニストクイズの問題: 17 世紀以来、女性がすべての仕事をし、男性が家庭と育児をする社会が存在したのはどこですか? Google で「海女ダイバー」と検索すれば、まさにそのようなことがわかるでしょう。韓国の済州沿岸地域には素晴らしい文化経済が存在しており、そこでは「アジアのアマゾン」が80歳を過ぎても呼吸器をつけずに貴重な貝類を求めて潜っている。」
サラ・モア - vogue.com
Hyung S Kim の一連のポートレートのインスピレーションは、2012 年の済州島訪問に由来します。そこで彼は、海女と、彼らの日常生活で使用されるパワー、回復力、独特の身体パフォーマンスに魅了されました。
写真は、海女遺物やトロフィーとしてではなく、美しく力強い労働者のポートレートとして見せることを目的としています。 人々。
Hyung S. Kim is a commercial photographer whose work has featured in international publications such as The Guardian, The Wall Street Journal and The Korea Times.
Most often associated with the iconic portraits of The Haenyeo, these images of female sea divers, have been exhibited globally including Göteborg Maritime Museum, Korean Cultural Centers Beijing and The National Maritime Museum London. The Haenyeo photographs were the inspiration for acclaimed English fashion design duo Thorton Bregazzi, in their A/W 2018 Collection.
Hyung S. Kim lives and works in Seoul.
Please contact info@waughoffice for further details and pricing.
Waugh Office was established in 2011 by Julia Waugh and Mark Waugh,
as a hybrid platform curating exhibitions, events and publications internationally
© Waugh Office 2024.